Hello and welcome to the womenswear floor at Number Six. I am Katy, Head
of the department, working alongside a super team of ladies.
I started out with the sole purpose of designing the shop fit, prior to
the doors opening in October 2014. I scoured the internet/country and
went on the buying trip dreams are made of. Having studied fashion at
university and specialising in visual merchandising, my passion for
interior design, decor, furnishings, all things industrial, reclaimed
and visually beautiful came to life. Number Six was born and the rest is
I never really left the store after that, I continued to help out where
I could and this led to me running the show (downstairs in womenswear).
I now endeavour to take on brands and buy collections that our ever
growing customer base will love, be excited by and look fantastic in.
We work alongside our menswear floor really well and welcome customers
old and new into our store. We like to offer a comfortable, friendly and
welcoming atmosphere into Number Six.
Our customers make Number Six the real pleasure that it has become.
Customers are now friends that we couldn't be without.
Thank you for taking the time to read this brief introduction. Myself
and the womenswear team look forward to welcoming you in store soon!